Tuesday, September 7, 2010

{ABC's of Wedding Planning} Aisle

I thought it would be fun to start a new series of wedding planning ideas, ABC's of wedding Planning.  First up... Aisle. It does not matter where you are getting married, a church, a synagogue, at the beach, in your backyard or at the court house....there will be an aisle for you to walk down.  The question I am asked the most about the aisle is "Do I have to decorate the aisle" Of course this is not a necessity, but a little added something would always make it extra special.  Some ideas to dress up the aisle could be, flowers in buckets, mason jars tied with fun fabric with an electric candle in it, paper pinwheels hanging on the ends of the aisle chairs, loose flowers bunched together secure with a satin ribbon, a satin bow, or a custom aisle runner.  Just be aware you need to ask your place of ceremony if they allow any decorations on their pews or chairs (some have restrictions) What are some fun ways you are dressing up your aisle?
{photo credit HK-Photography}

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